Flagged: Scam Token Wallets on Solana (Avoid Interacting with These Tokens)
Always practice caution when buying and selling tokens on Solana — watch out for tokens that these wallets have deployed/interacted with.
Flagged Wallets
Tokens Interacted
Recent Activity
Scams and rugpulls have always been prevalent within the Solana ecosystem. Since little can be done to block these bad actors (in permissionless Web3 fashion), it is important to flag these wallets/tokens and bring them to light so you don’t lose your funds to these scams.
In a recent incident, Solana on-chain detectives CrypticNFT and Piourose identified several wallets engaging in token rugpulls on Fluxbeam DEX. We dug deeper into the wallet activity on-chain and uncovered the wallet addresses and tokens they interacted with.
Flagged Wallets
The following wallet addresses have been flagged on solana.fm:
Wallets Deploying Scam Tokens:
Wallets Manipulating Token Prices:
Scam Token Treasury wallet:
Tokens Interacted
As seen from birdeye.so, among the tokens that were deployed by the flagged wallets include:
$PCIRCLE (3RPvusJQJ8r8A6NG7eifbkCpDsAsrT2jmfAQf59F6nof)
$ASTRODOG (4NQa8qBuxNiSTAjeqYTdMEy4aA5g3Tc1WqAfyNZxidSJ)
We can see that one of the flagged deployer wallets are seen as the Mint Authority & Freeze Authority — in this case, it is crucial to always verify any tokens you intend to trade on-chain to prevent interacting falling for rugpulls and scams.
Recent Activity
As seen on Vybe Network, the flagged wallets have still been actively transacting more than $5,000 in volume over the past 2 days. The wallets have interacted with the following programs:
Jupiter Swap v6 (JUP6LkbZbjS1jKKwapdHNy74zcZ3tLUZoi5QNyVTaV4)
Fluxbeam Program (FLUXubRmkEi2q6K3Y9kBPg9248ggaZVsoSFhtJHSrm1X)
Raydium Liquidity Pool v4 (675kPX9MHTjS2zt1qfr1NYHuzeLXfQM9H24wFSUt1Mp8)
Token Program (TokenkegQfeZyiNwAJbNbGKPFXCWuBvf9Ss623VQ5DA)
Using the tools in this article, you can also keep a lookout for malicious actors and prevent interacting with scams and rugs.
The SolanaFM team is committed to actively monitoring and identifying bad actors within the community. We value the collective effort to maintain a safe environment.
If you’ve identified any wallets/tokens involved in a scam or exploit, drop us a DM on Twitter.